physis 的定义
plural phy·ses [fahy-seez]. /ˈfaɪ siz/.
- the principle of growth or change in nature.
- nature as the source of growth or change.
- something that grows, becomes, or develops.
- Another—It is all physiological units: but his reason asks—What is the “physis,” the nature and innate tendency of the units?
- Another: It is all physiological units; but his reason asks: What is the “physis,” the nature and “innate tendency” of the units?
- Phlegmatos d' ouden epoisen h physis organon kathartikon, hoti psychron kai hygron esti kai hoion hmipeptos tis troph.
- Founded by the philosophers upon nature (physis) it was physical.
- Greatest, said Galen, is the Physis, and Hippocrates is its prophet.