phrenitis / frɪˈnaɪ tɪs /


phrenitis 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. inflammation of the brain; encephalitis.
  2. delirium; frenzy.


  1. In the month of August the fevers with a stupor and phrenitis came on apace.
  2. Many of these who had accustomed themselves to the liberal use of spirituous liquors miscarried in the phrenitis.
  3. A horse laboring under an attack of phrenitis is as violent as a horse can be.
  4. In pathology, a dread of air (wind); a common symptom in hydrophobia, and occasionally present in hysteria and phrenitis.
  5. Would any rational practitioner, in a case of phrenitis, or in the delirium of fever, order his patient to be scourged?