phrasing / ˈfreɪ zɪŋ /


phrasing 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the act of forming phrases.
  2. a manner or method of forming phrases; phraseology.
  3. Music. the grouping of the notes of a musical line into distinct phrases.

phrasing 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. In Wisconsin, for example, the Milwaukee County Election Commission explains on its website that this phrasing means all in-person ballots have been reported.
  2. Limiting this type of phrasing may also help you improve your chances of receiving a featured snippet.
  3. Ghabboun speaks English fluently, but it’s his second language, and the phrasing of a new question about working from home temporarily tripped him up.
  4. No coincidence with that phrasing—The Feeling of Life Itself is his latest book.
  5. The San Diego County Sheriff’s Department, which employs approximately 4,000 people — sworn personnel and support staff — used slightly different phrasing.
  6. And look at how mild her phrasing was: The South “has not always been the friendliest place” for black people.
  7. Gaga is especially convincing at slower tempos, and this is where weaknesses in phrasing are typically most exposed.
  8. This is a more diplomatic way of phrasing my first post-election suggestion: "Insult fewer people next time."
  9. “That phrasing was very clumsy and poorly expresses my thoughts,” she explained.
  10. Many readers thought our phrasing of "fairness" was a bit vague and made the question hard to answer.
  11. He was still phrasing a conventional greeting as she flung him a gay laugh and a look from brown eyes that smiled encouragement.
  12. One interested in his duplication of characteristic phrasing may refer for comparison ll.
  13. This is good writing too, but it lacks the fancy and the choice of phrasing which would develop later.
  14. Marjorie had stopped reading to laugh more than once at Jerrys droll phrasing.
  15. The man's phrasing was rough, but both his admiration and his pity were sincere, and John felt no resentment toward him.