phragmites / frægˈmaɪ tiz /


phragmites 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of several tall grasses of the genus Phragmites, having plumed heads, growing in marshy areas, especially the common reed P. australis.


  1. The Papyrus antiquorum, ten feet high, has much the same habit as our Phragmites and other water plants.
  2. Hides by day in the old stems of reed (Phragmites), and feeds at night on the leaves, August to October.
  3. It feeds from August to October on the leaves of the reed (Phragmites), hiding by day in the stems.
  4. It feeds from April to June in the stems of reed (Phragmites), causing the leaves of the affected stems to whiten.
  5. Dr. William Marshall writes, that it only breeds in certain localities where a large water reed (Phragmites arundinacea) abounds.