There are also reasonable professional differences about what phonics instruction should look like, how much of it is necessary, for whom, under what circumstances, and how it connects with other aspects of reading.
The need for these terms reflects the complexity English spelling, adding a conceptual burden to teaching and learning phonics and raising a question about when phonics instruction may have diminishing returns.
Early this fall, Lauren, who asked to be identified only by her first name to avoid unwanted publicity for her school or colleagues, downloaded a phonics lesson she hadn’t taught before and assigned it to her remote students.
Phonics is not a method of teaching reading, but it is a necessary part of every good, modern method.
As new words are met containing known sounds, the pupils should apply their knowledge of phonics.
The real difficulty in phonics lies in the fact that the pronunciation of the English language abounds in inconsistencies.
The attention given to the use of diacritical marks, silent letters, and phonics.
The second step in my conversion occurred when one of the overworked teachers showed me hastily how to teach Phonics.