philosophically / ˌfɪl əˈsɒf ɪ kəl /


philosophically 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to philosophy: philosophical studies.
  2. versed in or occupied with philosophy.
  3. proper to or befitting a philosopher.
  4. rationally or sensibly calm, patient, or composed.
  5. Rare. of or relating to natural philosophy or physical science.

philosophically 近义词


等同于 socially


  1. I am fleshing out in my work how we can turn these “merely” philosophical considerations about the nature of mind throughout nature into a testable set of experiments, with some early thoughts sketched here.
  2. On “The Thoughtful Travel Podcast,” Amanda Kendle leads discussions that are equal parts practical and philosophical.
  3. From a higher level, contextual advertising also makes philosophical sense.
  4. Moreover, after a month of training as a Stoic, one’s degree of philosophical Stoicism predictably increased, while the same people’s degree of “stoicism” decreased.
  5. One of the more fascinating philosophical cul de sacs has to do with Jesus Christ’s dictum regarding doing to him what we do to the least of us.
  6. I would just say, musically, you just outgrow bands philosophically and politically.
  7. “You should always understand where you are in the industry,” she says philosophically.
  8. Now Paradise and the Inferno are understood philosophically as states of being, not places on a chart.
  9. It seems logistically challenging but not yet philosophically challenging.
  10. Second, individual killers rarely come from the most devout, philosophically consistent, or pure strands of their religion.
  11. The clerk has taken it more philosophically, and seemed only to care lest the fact should become known.
  12. We are discoursing very philosophically, and will be charitable enough to believe that numerous couples are similarly engaged.
  13. I wish, however, to say to the reader that my book deals with life philosophically and not individually.
  14. Why, man, thou dost therein most philosophically multiply thine own.
  15. "Then you must have been half starved on your journey," replied the professor, philosophically.