philopena / ˌfɪl əˈpi nə /


philopena 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a custom, presumably of German origin, in which two persons share the kernels of a nut and determine that one shall receive a forfeit from the other at a later time upon the saying of a certain word or the performance of a certain action.
  2. the thing shared.
  3. the forfeit paid.


  1. I owe him a philopena, and that would have been a splendid way to pay it.
  2. O, pouted Luella, I dont suppose that meant anything either, for I caught him in a philopena on the way home that day.
  3. This afternoon Aunt and I hunted all over town for philopena presents.
  4. There were once a Prince and a Princess who, when quite young, ate a philopena together.
  5. They often thought of the philopena they had eaten together, and wondered if they should know each other when they met.