philologist / fɪˈlɒl ə dʒɪst /


philologist 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who specializes in philology, the study of literary texts and written records: An interdisciplinary collaboration between philologists, chemists, and computer scientists is yielding new insights about these medieval manuscripts, all written in different languages or scripts, and most in poor condition.
  2. a person who specializes in linguistics, especially historical and comparative linguistics:The origin of modern historical linguistics is often traced back to Sir William Jones, the English philologist who, in 1782, observed the genetic relationship between Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin.

philologist 近义词


等同于 grammarian

philologist 的近义词 2

等同于 lexicographer


等同于 linguist


  1. John Pickering, an eminent American philologist, died at Boston, aged 60.
  2. And why should not a philologist be able to answer questions acutely?
  3. The professor, a distinguished philologist, was worried, and he looked it.
  4. A great but careless linguist, Borrow was assuredly no philologist.
  5. These are of so remarkable a type as to have puzzled every philologist and paleographer who has attempted their decipherment.