phenomenological / fɪˌnɒm ə nlˈɒdʒ ɪ kəl /


phenomenological 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of, relating to, or based on observed or observable facts:The researchers opted for a phenomenological investigation rather than a purely theoretical study.
  2. Philosophy. of or relating to someone’s awareness or experience of something rather than the thing itself:Case study scholars examine a particular phenomenon, while phenomenological scholars examine its essence and meaning as experienced by people in their everyday lives.


  1. Here he treads awkwardly, introducing the “real” problem, which is to “explain, predict, and control the phenomenological properties of conscious experience.”
  2. This is the closet Bordo comes to a phenomenological approximation of what it was like to be Anne Boleyn.
  3. It also can be understood as forming part of a phenomenological point of view.