pessary / ˈpɛs ə ri /


pessary 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural pes·sa·ries.Medicine/Medical.

  1. a device worn in the vagina to support a displaced uterus.
  2. a vaginal suppository.
  3. diaphragm.


  1. The results which have so far obtained do not appear to be so good as those resulting from the use of a well-fitting pessary.
  2. It seems inartistic and sordid to insert a pessary or a suppository in anticipation of the sexual act.
  3. Wash the pessary in clear cold water, dry well and place away in the box.
  4. In my estimation a well fitted pessary is the surest method of absolutely preventing conception.
  5. Personally I recommend every woman to use a well fitted pessary and learn to adjust it.