persecutor / ˈpɜr sɪˌkyut /


persecutor 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

per·se·cut·ed, per·se·cut·ing.

  1. to pursue with harassing or oppressive treatment, especially because of religious or political beliefs, ethnic or racial origin, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
  2. to annoy or trouble persistently.

persecutor 近义词


等同于 oppressor


等同于 bigot


等同于 bully


等同于 intimidator


  1. As with Punjab in the 1970s and 1980s, the government painted any and all dissenters as anti-national—and then persecuted them accordingly.
  2. The idea here isn’t to persecute all of them, though, or tell them “what to think.”
  3. A cryptocurrency might be used to allow money transfers to persecuted activists, similar to how Wikileaks received donations in bitcoin after its accounts were blocked for leaking classified information.
  4. Islamist extremism is the worst persecutor of the worldwide church.
  5. Their report is consistent with those of other twin survivors who said Mengele was their protector as much as their persecutor.
  6. He was a great persecutor of heretics, and united with great talents equally great vices.
  7. But I saw rocks and trees around me; clouds; I was in a grotto and beside me was a man, that persecutor!
  8. And just then the cab suddenly stopped, and there was his persecutor rapping on the front glass.
  9. Bishop Thornton, suffragan of Dover, was an indefatigable persecutor of the true church.
  10. John Peter, son-in-law of Alexander, a horrid blasphemer and persecutor, died wretchedly.