peristalsis 的定义
plural per·i·stal·ses [per-uh-stawl-seez, -stal-]. /ˌpɛr əˈstɔl siz, -ˈstæl-/. Physiology.
- the progressive wave of contraction and relaxation of a tubular muscular system, especially the alimentary canal, by which the contents are forced through the system.
- I believe you can imagine the result, elimination is prevented because of the stoppage of peristalsis.
- It increases intestinal peristalsis, acts as a mild laxative, and slightly stimulates secretion of bile.
- For is it not indicative of peristalsis that always when the upper parts of the gullet contract the lower parts dilate?
- In its modern significance, peristalsis, however, also includes the movements of longitudinal fibres.
- I have as much attitude toward it as I do toward osmosis or toward peristalsis.