perfecto / pərˈfɛk toʊ /


perfecto 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural per·fec·tos.

  1. a rather thick, medium-sized cigar tapering almost down to a point at each end.

perfecto 近义词


等同于 cigar


  1. He sat down on a big packing-case, tucked up his legs under him and pulled silently at the glowing Perfecto.
  2. Anthony Cleigh eyed his perfecto rather ruefully and tiptoed back to the salon.
  3. "Tell us about it, please," chorused the boys, and Mr. Melton smiled at their eagerness as he lit another perfecto.
  4. He viewed the halfburnt perfecto ruefully and filliped it through the window.
  5. Shaw himself set the example by dropping into one of the easy-chairs and lighting a fat Perfecto.