peplum / ˈpɛp ləm /


peplum 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural pep·lums, pep·la [pep-luh]. /ˈpɛp lə/.

  1. a short full flounce or an extension of a garment below the waist, covering the hips.
  2. a short skirt attached to a bodice or jacket.
  3. Obsolete. a peplos.


  1. She wears a green peplum dress, long dangling earrings and a giant brooch.
  2. Peplum, pep′lum, n. an upper robe worn by women in ancient Greece.
  3. She was dressed in a black tunic of her own invention, a combination of the Greek peplum and the Japanese kimono.
  4. At the end of the room stood now a huge archaic Nik, with outstretched peplum and soaring wings.
  5. The antique Greek peplum of soft white wool fell in long folds, cinctured high under the breast.
  6. The noble and simple lines of the peplum restored her resemblance to some ancient Athenian vestal.