pentameter / pɛnˈtæm ɪ tər /
pentameter 的 2 个定义
n. 名词 noun- a line of verse consisting of five metrical feet.
- Also called elegiac pentameter. Classical Prosody. a verse consisting of two dactyls, one long syllable, two more dactyls, and another long syllable.
- unrhymed verse of five iambic feet; heroic verse.
adj. 形容词 adjective- consisting of five metrical feet.
- The lovers speak entirely in iambic pentameter, which works much better than it should.
- The alternate hexameter and pentameter are, for most purposes, a more agreeable measure than the hexameter by itself.
- If these verses were composed in good Latinity, the first word of the pentameter probably was justitiam.
- The meter is iambic pentameter; but the first foot of the second line is a trochee, and emphasizes thoughts with fine effect.
- It consists of nine verses, the first eight being iambic pentameter, and the ninth line iambic hexameter, or Alexandrine.
- Unrhymed poetry, usually in iambic pentameter measure, is known as blank verse.