pensionary / ˈpɛn ʃəˌnɛr i /


pensionary2 个定义

n. 名词 noun

plural pen·sion·ar·ies.

  1. a pensioner.
  2. a hireling.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of the nature of a pension.
  2. receiving a pension.


  1. The Burgomaster gave him the keys of the city; and the Pensionary of Louvain welcomed him on behalf of all the local magistrates.
  2. The states-general voted to join the armed neutrality and, while disavowing the treaty, did not proceed against the pensionary.
  3. The pensionary Heinsius, who had governed the United Provinces for forty years, was absolutely governed by him.
  4. John de Witt had already resigned the office of Grand Pensionary.
  5. It is known in history as the Pensionary or Long Parliament.