pekingese / ˌpi kəˈniz, -ˈnis; especially for 2-5 also ˌpi kɪŋˈiz, -ˈis /


pekingese2 个定义

n. 名词 noun

plural Pe·king·ese for 1, 4.

  1. one of a Chinese breed of small dogs having a long, silky coat.
  2. the standard Chinese language.
  3. the dialect of Peking.
  4. a native or inhabitant of Peking.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of, relating to, or characteristic of Peking.


  1. It turns out that I didn’t get to see the Pekingese named Wasabi who won the coveted Best in Show award last night.
  2. Wodehouse, who adored the Pekingese breed of dog, liked to judge people on whether they were sound on Pekes.
  3. It is called The Pekingese, and is the revised edition for 1914.
  4. I asked him to be more explicit, and he amplified his epigram into: "Pekingese."
  5. Inside was an elderly lady, and in her arms was a russet Pekingese.
  6. The Pekingese are very discriminative and frequently condescendingly refer to all other Chinese as "outside men" or "foreigners."
  7. On one occasion, when making "a little trip to Japan," I took my Pekingese boy with me.