pedometer / pəˈdɒm ɪ tər /


pedometer 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an instrument worn by a walker or runner for recording the number of steps taken, thereby showing approximately the distance traveled.


  1. To help increase overall movement throughout the day, most fitness trackers measure total steps taken (similar to a pedometer).
  2. This instrument was no doubt the father of the pedometer and the cyclorama, just as the boy is frequently father to the man.
  3. Frank got rid of two rings, a cheap watch, a pedometer and three of Markhams puzzles.
  4. Distances on land were approximated by means of a pedometer and by rough triangulation.
  5. They also take great care of the pedometer, dusting it, and polishing 17 its metal parts.
  6. A series of cinematograph pictures has been taken of the pedometer at a moment when the children are being measured.