pedagogics 的定义
- the science or art of teaching or education; pedagogy.
pedagogics 近义词
pedagogics 的近义词 43 个
- apprenticeship
- background
- brainwashing
- breeding
- catechism
- civilization
- coaching
- cultivation
- culture
- direction
- discipline
- drilling
- edification
- enlightenment
- erudition
- finish
- guidance
- improvement
- inculcation
- indoctrination
- information
- instruction
- learnedness
- learning
- literacy
- nurture
- pedagogy
- preparation
- proselytism
- reading
- rearing
- refinement
- scholarship
- schooling
- science
- study
- teaching
- training
- tuition
- tutelage
- book learning
- propagandism
- tutoring