

ped 的定义


  1. At the same time, he refuses to turn his back on his PED-using teammates, the most famous being Alex Rodriguez.
  2. Mayweather stands as the only person to ever accuse Manny Pacquiao of PED use.
  3. But as the aging star sits out another year, will he and other PED-using greats be written out of Major League Baseball history?
  4. Perhaps my favorite writer, Will Leitch, seems merely bored by PED scandals.
  5. HGH was the darling of the PED crowd for a long while because it could not be detected.
  6. And old Squire said the tender, compassionate little face "ho'ped 'im as much as Miss July did."
  7. How fain she would have drawn on Sophocles To come aboard, and how she simper'd it—Ped.
  8. Pederasty, ped′e-rast-i, n. unnatural commerce of males with males, esp.
  9. If no oder medticine goes mit this ped, put me in some oder ped dot has a tifferent pottle, I cares not what it is.'
  10. You pelongs to dot ped, und whoefer goes into dot ped dakes dot medticine.