peccable / ˈpɛk ə bəl /


peccable 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. liable to sin or error.


  1. I will readily confess that the logic is, if not impeccable, only mildly peccable.
  2. By acting on the advice of ‘evil and wicked councillors,’ it was declared that a peccable king had forfeited the throne.
  3. A peccable monarch may forfeit his throne; an impeccable one can only abdicate it.
  4. But peccable and rough though the members of this royal house may have been, very few of them were without the governing faculty.
  5. He had hated Bassett for that; but it was not for the peccable Thatcher to point a mocking finger at Achilles's heel.
  6. Or, to parody a line of Young, 'All men think all men peccable but themselves.'