peaty 的定义
peat·i·er, peat·i·est.
- of, pertaining to, resembling, or containing the substance peat.
- It’s also beautifully written, the occasional Scots word or phrase contributing to its peaty flavor.
- The Hakushu 12 was a little peaty and nutty, the kind of dram I want to unwind with after a fine restaurant meal.
- Broken crocks should be strewn upon the tray, and on to this is heaped peaty soil mixed with sand.
- Black peaty soil varying in thickness, the maximum being about a foot.
- As pigments, the peaty Cappah brown is the most transparent and rich in colour.
- It may be asserted that it is for want of sufficient pressure that beds of peaty bog have not been completely changed into coal.
- For a while we had to use swamp water, which contained a good many insects of various kinds and had a distinctly peaty flavour.