pawnbroking / ˈpɔnˌbroʊ kɪŋ /


pawnbroking 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the business of a pawnbroker.


  1. Grissy—he's my friend—Grissy says pawnbroking is only a more vulgar form of banking.
  2. She is the daughter of a second-hand bookseller called Norman, and I believe he combines selling books with pawnbroking.
  3. Bart sold those, but from all accounts he was a Shylock when dealing, after seven o'clock, in the pawnbroking way.
  4. The pawnbroking expression was remarkably apparent for a moment in Mrs. Wolfstein's eyes.
  5. And I am not certain that pawnbroking in England is not as bad a business as drink-selling.