pawky / ˈpɔ ki /


pawky 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

pawk·i·er, pawk·i·est.Chiefly British.

  1. cunning; sly.


  1. Yet he could see into the heart of things as well as most men, for he was a shrewd Scotchman, and had a pawky humour.
  2. It has a number of sweet Scottish verses, plaintive or pawky.
  3. With them was a collie, much collie-er than English collies, with a pawky Scottish smile.
  4. Not that I know what pawky means, but it seems a word I ought to use at once, now we are on Scottish soil.
  5. But the balladist carries everything before him by the verve and good humour and pawky wit of his song.