patriarchship / ˈpeɪ triˌɑrk /


patriarchship 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the male head of a family or tribal line.
  2. a person regarded as the father or founder of an order, class, etc.
  3. any of the very early Biblical personages regarded as the fathers of the human race, comprising those from Adam to Noah and those between the Deluge and the birth of Abraham.
  4. any of the three great progenitors of the Israelites: Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob.
  5. any of the sons of Jacob , from whom the tribes of Israel were descended.
  6. any of the bishops of any of the ancient sees of Alexandria, Antioch, Constantinople, Jerusalem, or Rome having authority over other bishops.
  7. Greek Orthodox Church. the head of any of the ancient sees of Alexandria, Antioch, Constantinople, or Jerusalem, and sometimes including other sees of chief cities.Compare ecumenical patriarch.
  8. the head of certain other churches in the East, as the Coptic, Nestorian, and Armenian churches, that are not in full communication with the ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople.
  9. Roman Catholic Church. the pope as patriarch of the West.any of certain bishops of the Eastern rites, as a head of an Eastern rite or a bishop of one of the ancient sees.the head of a Uniate church.
  10. Mormon Church. any of the high dignitaries who pronounce the blessing of the church; Evangelist.
  11. one of the elders or leading older members of a community.
  12. a venerable old man.


  1. The recent Trumpworld legal shakeup isn’t confined to the patriarch of the family.
  2. The practice of confiscating child support payments from the poor persists in part because some policymakers believe that welfare should be considered a loan, to be repaid by the patriarch of the family.
  3. Always a shady, controversial figure, the patriarch was posthumously revealed to have plundered his employees’ pension funds to avoid bankruptcy.
  4. Three members of the Ebrahimi family, whose patriarch made a fortune at the software firm Quark, collectively converted $65 million into Roths in 2010 and 2011.
  5. Hana Alomair’s Whispers, Netflix’s first Saudi thriller, revolves around the death of a patriarch whose secrets spill out days before the launch of his company’s new app.
  6. The talk radio phenom and Fox News staple has identified himself as a longtime listener of the TRN patriarch.
  7. Marston declared that women should rule the world but remained a patriarch.
  8. The patriarch, Josiah, had fought with the 42nd Wisconsin Infantry, marching all the way to Kentucky to battle the Confederates.
  9. But it was Sean Connery who was the first choice to voice the Disney patriarch with the tragic fate.
  10. In Moscow, Patriarch Kirill addressed an audience that included Russian President Vladimir Putin.
  11. I had those words in my thoughts four years ago, when I cut him down from the branch of the Patriarch.
  12. It is thus that I have seen it stated in the credentials granted to the said Fleuche, first Patriarch of those lands.
  13. The Patriarch went to him, and, with the help of an interpreter, did for him what pertained to his office as a good Pastor.
  14. They boast of having descended from Abraham through Ishmael, believing that this patriarch built Mecca and died there.
  15. The sufferings of the patriarch Job form the subject of a few of these scriptural illustrations.