paramagnetic / ˌpær ə mægˈnɛt ɪk /


paramagnetic 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Physics. having the properties of a paramagnet, a body or substance that, placed in a magnetic field, exhibits induced magnetization in direct proportion to the field strength: Deoxygenated blood cells are paramagnetic, while oxygenated blood cells are diamagnetic.Compare antiferromagnetic, diamagnetic, ferrimagnetic, ferromagnetic.


  1. The first group is paramagnetic and positive; the corresponding one is diamagnetic and negative.
  2. They are all monads and paramagnetic; lithium, potassium and rubidium are positive, while fluorine and manganese are negative.
  3. The corresponding group consists of nitrogen, vanadium and niobium; they are triatomic, paramagnetic, and negative.
  4. Bodies that point axially, or are paramagnetic, like a suspended needle.
  5. Nitrogen is neither paramagnetic nor diamagnetic, and is equivalent to a vacuum.