paralogism / pəˈræl əˌdʒɪz əm /


paralogism 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. argument violating principles of valid reasoning.
  2. a conclusion reached through such argument.

paralogism 近义词


等同于 sophistry

paralogism 的近义词 6
paralogism 的反义词 1


  1. Thus it is evident that in all such arguments there lurks a paralogism.
  2. This Paralogism does not concern itself with the nature of the soul.
  3. This dialectical argument I shall call the transcendental paralogism.
  4. (Desire of nothing is the most desirable thing, is a paralogism in logic).
  5. He's quiet enough now, but you just wait till he gets another paralogism.