parabolic / ˌpær əˈbɒl ɪk /


parabolic 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having the form or outline of a parabola.
  2. having a longitudinal section in the form of a paraboloid or parabola: a parabolic reflector.
  3. of or relating to a parabola.

parabolic 近义词


等同于 allegorical

parabolic 的近义词 6
parabolic 的反义词 1


  1. At the four-minute mark, the capsule will reach the peak of its parabolic flight and then begin to descend back into the atmosphere.
  2. He wasn’t really offering a voyage into space, but a parabolic ballistic shot to the edge of space and, after a fleeting few minutes of weightlessness, a glide back to earth with spectacular views.
  3. They’ll also go on parabolic flights that simulate weightlessness.
  4. While a parabolic dish has the useful property of being sensitive to a fairly large area of sky, if a candidate signal is detected, there is no way of knowing exactly where it came from.
  5. Bitcoin has made parabolic runs upward before, notably December 2017 and mid-2019, before major tumbles.
  6. Farther from the center they become parabolic, but they are quite good over the entire plate, 3¼ by 4¼ inches.
  7. Its depth at the crown is 33 ft., and its centre line follows nearly the parabolic line of pressures.
  8. In spans over 200 ft. it is economical to have one horizontal boom and one polygonal (approximately parabolic) boom.
  9. The posterior are intermixed with round and square pieces, and the extremity of the armour near the tail is of a parabolic figure.
  10. We use a small atomic cavity radiator at one end of which is a rough relux parabolic filter.