papilloma / ˌpæp əˈloʊ mə /


papilloma 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural pap·il·lo·ma·ta [pap-uh-loh-muh-tuh], /ˌpæp əˈloʊ mə tə/, pap·il·lo·mas.Pathology.

  1. a benign tumor of the skin or mucous membrane consisting of hypertrophied epithelial tissue, as a wart.


  1. The majority of the former were papilloma , fibroma , enchondroma , and intratracheal struma .
  2. It is a suitable method for the removal of papilloma, fibroma, and bleeding polypus of the septum.
  3. The innocent forms are the papilloma and the adenoma; the malignant, the carcinoma or cancer.
  4. Other tumours of the gums, such as angioma and papilloma, are rare.
  5. A papilloma, when sessile, may simulate cancer; these tumours show a marked tendency to become malignant.