panzer / ˈpæn zər; German ˈpɑn tsər /
panzer 的 2 个定义
adj. 形容词 adjective- armored: a panzer unit.
- of or relating to a panzer division: a panzer attack.
n. 名词 noun- a vehicle, especially a tank, forming part of a German panzer division.
- The main effort in the attack was carried out by the infamous Waffen SS 6th Panzer Army.
- In two days of savagery, the 2nd SS Panzer Division “Das Reich” slaughtered nearly everyone in the town.
- George Wolfgang Panzer, a distinguished German bibliographer, died.
- Panzer notices over 250 works executed (by nearly forty printers) here during the quarter of a century which followed.
- The parallel is not merely with an artificial, theoretical composite put together by Panzer.
- Panzer exaggerates the case against his own theory when he quotes only six versions as omitting the princesses (p. 122).
- On this subject reference should be made to Panzer, Studien zur germ.