panniculus / pəˈnɪk yə ləs /


panniculus 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural pan·nic·u·li [puh-nik-yuh-lahy]. /pəˈnɪk yəˌlaɪ/. Anatomy.

  1. a layer of tissue, especially a subcutaneous layer of fat.


  1. Now, some persons can move the skin of their hairy heads; and is this not effected by the panniculus?
  2. In one you say it is easy to see that the spines of the hedgehog are moved by the voluntary panniculus.
  3. In this family and in the tenrec most of the species are protected by spines implanted in the skin-muscle, or panniculus carnosus.
  4. This latter part is considered by some writers as forming a portion of the panniculus muscle of the neck.
  5. As we pointed out above, there is also a panniculus muscle of the shoulder and one of the neck.