pancratium / pænˈkreɪ ʃi əm /


pancratium 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural pan·cra·ti·a [pan-krey-shee-uh]. /pænˈkreɪ ʃi ə/.

  1. an athletic contest combining wrestling and boxing.


  1. He threw off his cloak and challenged the fellow to a bout of pancratium; otherwise he would let him feel his stick.
  2. Among this and other plants a lovely white amaryllis, the Pancratium Maritimum, with a sweet and powerful perfume, springs up.
  3. Pancratiast, competitor in the pancratium, a combined contest which comprised boxing and wrestling.
  4. Boxing was introduced now and sometimes the pancratium was used.
  5. The Pancratium was a contest in which boxing and wrestling were both allowable.