palpitant / ˈpæl pɪ tənt /


palpitant 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. affected or characterized by palpitation.

palpitant 近义词


等同于 uneasy


  1. Alcee Arobin wrote Edna an elaborate note of apology, palpitant with sincerity.
  2. The air is palpitant with colour, rainbows are dissolved in an atmosphere that clothes everything in magic and mystery.
  3. Within she was palpitant with the strain and suspense of it all; but on Barney she held cool, appraising eyes.
  4. She stood, palpitant, a dull stare in her eyes, her frame throbbing violently.
  5. She leaped up, spurning the black rim; glowed, palpitant, through that filmy lace—and all the desert throbbed with vibrant light.