palmitic / pælˈmɪt ɪk, pɑl-, pɑˈmɪt- /


palmitic 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. of or derived from palmitic acid.


  1. A wax obtained from Rhus succedanea was shown by Stahmer to contain palmitic acid and glycerol in the form of glycerol palmitate.
  2. It is a combination of palmitic acid and a peculiar hydrocarbon, called (after the whale) "cetyl," and easily forms pure crystals.
  3. In certain lupine seeds, the fatty acids present in the lecithin appear to be palmitic and stearic.
  4. If hydrochloric acid is added to a solution of the sodium salts, the free palmitic and stearic acids are precipitated.
  5. Ordinary fats consist principally of derivatives of palmitic and stearic acids.