pai-loo / ˈpaɪˈloʊ /


pai-loo 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural pai-loo, pai-loos.

  1. a decorative or monumental gateway having a trabeated form with three compartments, the central one higher than the others.


  1. He would laboriously make his way from desk to loo, belt down a few, then return.
  2. While her English classmates were learning to wash their hands, Nadia was worried that the devil was leering at her on the loo.
  3. “Several of them have said that they are drinking less than before, which is kind of logical,” Van Loo says.
  4. Janneke van Loo, the regional manager for Rainbow, runs a park-cleaning group in East Amsterdam.
  5. I was wearing a rather huge, billowy Maxi skirt and I must have lost track of exactly where it all was while on loo.
  6. The third game, or lanterloo, is evidently the original form of the game now known as loo.
  7. The partition planned at Loo was the partition of an ill governed empire which was not a nation.
  8. The partition planned at Loo was therefore the very opposite of the partition of Poland.
  9. Full powers must be sent to Loo, sealed, but with blanks left for the names of the plenipotentiaries.
  10. It had been necessary to trust so many deputies and magistrates that rumours of what had been passing at Loo got abroad.