paesano / paɪˈzɒnˌoʊ /


paesano 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural pae·sa·ni [pahy-zon-ee], /paɪˈzɒn i/, pae·san·os [pahy-zon-ohz]. /paɪˈzɒn oʊz/.

  1. a person who shares one’s place of origin; a compatriot, especially among Italians or people of Italian descent.
  2. a person associated with the Italian mafia; mafioso.


  1. He has said that to her, the common-place daughter of the "Paesano" Niccolo Gallioti.
  2. If the man is in the city some "landsmann," some "paesano" has seen him, and knows where he is to be found.