padrone 的定义
plural pa·dro·nes [puh-droh-neez, -neyz], /pəˈdroʊ niz, -neɪz/, Italian pa·dro·ni [pah-draw-nee]. /pɑˈdrɔ ni/.
- a master; boss.
- an employer, especially of immigrant laborers, who provides communal housing and eating arrangements, controls the allocation of pay, etc., in a manner that exploits the workers.
- an innkeeper.
- Zelphine has just been talking to the padrone, who speaks excellent English, about the excursion to-morrow.
- The padrone asks us, in case we decide to drive, whether we will give a seat in our carriage to the odd number.
- Their spirit of mutual helpfulness saved them from padrone, "banker," and Black Hand.
- It seems that sometimes, though rarely, it pleases them to pretend to believe that their padrone has displeased them.
- A waif like himself, a lost baby whom he found on the road being cruelly beaten by a brute of an Italian padrone.