pada / ˈpɑ də /


pada 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a unit of Sanskrit or Vedic poetic meter, a series of light and heavy syllables, usually one quarter of a four-line stanza.


  1. The hardest of all to obtain— Yang ter-lebeh susah men-dapat deri-pada sumua-nia.
  2. It is better to go than to remain— Ter-lebeh baik pergi deri-pada tinggal.
  3. The finest needle of all— Jarum yang lebeh halus deri-pada sumua-nia.
  4. I want to know about that affair— Sahaya handak tahu deri-pada hal itu.
  5. He incurred the displeasure of his father— Dia kna ka-marah-an deri-pada bapa-nia.