oversell / ˌoʊ vərˈsɛl /


oversell2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

o·ver·sold, o·ver·sell·ing.

  1. to sell more of than can be delivered.
  2. to sell aggressively, as by using high-pressure merchandising techniques.
  3. to emphasize the good points of excessively and to a self-defeating extent: She so oversold the picnic that I became convinced I'd have a better time at the movies.
v. 无主动词 verb

o·ver·sold, o·ver·sell·ing.

  1. to sell something aggressively.
  2. to make extreme claims for something or someone.

oversell 近义词


等同于 overrate


  1. However, a review of the source video shows that the ad oversells the amount of praise Youngkin heaps on McAuliffe.
  2. The other is I do think work, you know, one can oversell it, but work should be venerated to some degree.
  3. So whatever happens with this idea, it’s important not to oversell it.