overbid / verb ˌoʊ vərˈbɪd; noun ˈoʊ vərˌbɪd /


overbid3 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

o·ver·bid, o·ver·bid·ding.

  1. to bid more than the value of: to overbid one's cards.
  2. to outbid: She overbid him for the painting.
v. 无主动词 verb

o·ver·bid, o·ver·bid·ding.

  1. to bid more than the actual value or worth: a tendency to overbid at auctions; to overbid at bridge.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a higher bid.


  1. Four English and eight natives were candidates for the contract; three of the English far overbid the eight natives.
  2. In view of my estimate I can not for the life of me see how your local company overbid us all by over a million dollars.
  3. And one would overbid another, offering far more than a whole herd of pigs were worth.
  4. Then he tried to buy the craft to take out the diamond, but Tom overbid him.
  5. Any overbid of an adversary shows strength; an overbid of a partner who has declared No-trump may show weakness.