outface / ˌaʊtˈfeɪs /


outface 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

out·faced, out·fac·ing.

  1. to cause to submit by or as if by staring down; face or stare down.
  2. to face or confront boldly; defy.


  1. You have been chased in the field by the grown men of my party; it seems a poor kind of pleasure to outface a boy.
  2. They will try to outface us, my patron; but we shall triumph.
  3. You cannot outface consequences nor outdare natural tragedy; no, not even you, Christina Hope!
  4. To outface and down-talk a Calcutta-taught Bengali, a voluble Dacca drug-vendor, would be a good game.
  5. No male body and brain could withstand and outface merely the emotional besiegings of you.