outcurve / ˈaʊtˌkɜrv /


outcurve 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Baseball. a ball pitched so that it curves away from the batter.the course of such a ball.
  2. an outward curve.


  1. He struck at the next and missed, and then Jim fanned him with a slow outcurve that he almost broke his back in reaching for.
  2. The next was a wide outcurve away from the plate, but Ellis did not “bite,” and it went as a ball.
  3. The third ball pitched was a wide outcurve at which Larry refused to bite.
  4. Then the first ball pitched came in an outcurve which he swung at in vain.
  5. To make him hit into a double play, Jim made the next an outcurve.