ours / aʊərz, ˈaʊ ərz or, often, ɑrz /


ours 的定义

pron. 代词 pronoun
  1. : Which house is ours?
  2. that or those belonging to us: Ours was given second prize. Ours are in the car.


  1. In this world of ours, some melodies are just more beautiful than others.
  2. And all kinds of friends of ours have raised money for Mary Landrieu to support her as a candidate.
  3. And in a culture as paranoid as ours, we freak out about them all the time.
  4. “Font, logo, edge finish, surface finish … everything is different from ours,” said Sung Hwang, the general manager.
  5. In a society as race-crazy as ours, this sort of news is equal parts shocking and unsurprising.
  6. That, too, is a process which in this changing new world of ours can never be completed.
  7. Well, we must try our luck with a regulation sabre; they can't well refuse it; ours is the stronger and bigger man.
  8. I began to fear I should have that unlucky expedition of ours on my conscience for the rest of my days.
  9. Their patroles of horse, and ours, frequently go over the same ground.
  10. And what manner of fool may this one be, whose fortunes were so desperate that he could throw them in with ours?