ostium 的定义
plural os·ti·a [os-tee-uh]. /ˈɒs ti ə/.
- Anatomy, Zoology. a small opening or orifice, as at the end of the oviduct.
- Zoology. one of the tiny holes in the body of a sponge.
- This will bring the anterior wall of the sinus with its ostium into view.
- Aurelius had gone out into the ostium, which was still being shaken with the blows at the door.
- In acute cases of salpingitis the cœlomic ostium is open and the infective material can be seen leaking from it (Fig. 3).
- The really favouring factor in the case is the condition of the cœlomic ostium of the tube.
- The contents of the cavity generally make their way through the natural ostium, before any of the bony walls give way.