osmund / ˈɒz mənd, ˈɒs- /


osmund 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any fern of the genus Osmunda, especially the royal fern.


  1. Quick as thought Osmund sprang to his feet, seized his wife and child, and hurried them into his ferry-boat.
  2. Osmund, the ferryman of Loch Tyne, had a beautiful child, who was the pride of his life and the joy of his heart.
  3. But Osmund, throughout the troublous times, had lived quietly in his country home with his wife and beautiful daughter.
  4. In commemoration, it is said, of this event, the fair daughter of Osmund gave the great island fern her father's name.
  5. We may meet in the future,” he went on; “and meanwhile I trust you will remember that name—Osmund Maiden.