oscillator / ˈɒs əˌleɪ tər /


oscillator 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Electronics. a circuit that produces an alternating output current of a certain frequency determined by the characteristics of the circuit components.
  2. a device or machine producing oscillations.
  3. a person or thing that oscillates.


  1. With such a vast array of effects pedals available on the market—from the most basic tools like tuners and overdrive, to the most intricate harmonizers, filters, and oscillators—a pedalboard can truly be as simple or as complex as you want it to be.
  2. Still, there has been progress in increasing the size of the objects we can place in a quantum state, with small oscillators and even grains of sand being notable examples.
  3. Nobody remembers their first frequency-counter, their first audio oscillator, their first this or that.
  4. The former, which is termed nowadays a "Hertz Oscillator," is simply two metal discs almost connected by a thick wire.
  5. This is a counting register operated by a crystal controlled oscillator.
  6. "Right here," sang out Craig, detaching the oscillator and replacing the electric bulb, which he lighted.
  7. A later device, called the Fessenden oscillator, will transmit or receive sounds a distance of twenty miles.
  8. It happened to a chap named Blenkinson, who took an Oscillator that hadn't any brake on it.