ortho-dichlorobenzene / ˌɔr θə daɪˌklɔr əˈbɛn zin, -bɛnˈzin, -ˌkloʊr- /


ortho-dichlorobenzene 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a colorless liquid with a pleasant odor, C6H4Cl2, used as a solvent for a wide range of organic materials.


  1. Ortho Sol makes precision screws for the most delicate of construction projects: spinal fusion.
  2. And also those that contain norgestimate, which include Ortho-Cyclen and Tri-Cyclen.
  3. The influence of position of an alkyl in the aromatic bodies is well shown in ortho-, para- and meta-derivatives.
  4. The ortho molecules rotate with odd rotational quantum numbers, while the para molecules rotate with even quantum numbers.
  5. This block is of the ortho-cerite stratum of Drummond Island.
  6. This substance readily yields ortho-oxybenzoic acid or salicylic acid, which on nitration yields two mononitro-oxybenzoic acids.
  7. It is well known that di-ortho-substituted benzoic acids are esterified with difficulty.