ornithorhynchus / ˌɔr nə θəˈrɪŋ kəs /


ornithorhynchus 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the platypus.


  1. Our next subject is named The Ornithorhynchus Paradoxus, and is a very singular quadruped, remarkable for its structure.
  2. It is much more nearly paralleled in the little group of Monotremata allied to the living Ornithorhynchus.
  3. Turtles have beaks, and there is one species of mammal (the ornithorhynchus) which has a bill like that of a duck.
  4. Your African plant seems to be a vegetable Ornithorhynchus, and indeed much more than that.
  5. In the Echidnidae, but not in Ornithorhynchus, the central portion of the acetabulum is unossified as in birds.