orlo / ˈɔr loʊ /


orlo 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural or·los.Architecture.

  1. a plinth supporting the base of a column.
  2. orle.


  1. De acido e cibis orlo, et de magnesia, reprinted at Edinburgh, 1854.
  2. Then, Orlo, would you not wish to please so merciful and kind a Master, who has done so much for you?
  3. Orlo, from his quickness of vision, was now constantly employed as one of the look-outs.
  4. Bitter, too, was the anguish which poor Orlo suffered when he felt that he should for ever be separated from his beloved Era.
  5. Orlo begged that he and Era and their child might also be there set on shore.