ordonnance / ˈɔr dn əns; French ɔr dɔˈnɑ̃s /


ordonnance 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural or·don·nanc·es [awr-dn-uhn-siz; French awr-daw-nahns]. /ˈɔr dn ən sɪz; French ɔr dɔˈnɑ̃s/.

  1. the arrangement or disposition of parts, as of a building, picture, or literary work.
  2. an ordinance, decree, or law.


  1. In the general arrangement, in the ordonnance, late Gothic caprice and fantastic love of the unforeseen rule triumphant.
  2. The ordonnance of April 15, 1694, reveals the broad character of this "General" Hospital.
  3. Sportsmen may learn that partridge shooting was prohibited between March 15th and July 15th by an ordonnance of MM.
  4. The same variety is found in the arrangement, or ordonnance, of the columns, both in the interior and exterior of their buildings.
  5. These companies of ordonnance have ever been regarded as the foundation of the French standing army.